By Ann-Margret Hovsepian
You wouldn't expect utility
companies to encourage consumers to cut back on their electricity usage, but
that's exactly what's happening.
When 32-year-old DANNY TUFF, who comes from a family of six children, was
young, his father used to comment about how great it would be if they had
a device in the kitchen that showed them how much their energy use cost. In
2003, Danny and his brother MAURICE, an electrical engineer, developed the
innovative PowerCost Monitor(tm) and founded Blue Line Innovations. As unobtrusive
as a small electric clock, the PowerCost Monitor is a real-time direct feedback
display device that tells homeowners, at a glance, how much electricity their
home is using in dollars and cents, as well as in kW. The technology consists
of a sensor unit affixed to an existing household utility meter with a simple
ring clamp, and a display unit, located inside the home, which receives a
wireless signal from the transmitter and then displays the consumption information.
Studies demonstrate that getting real-time feedback on domestic energy use
can yield savings of anywhere between 10 and 20 per cent on utility bills.
A few years ago, Ontario's Hydro One wanted to test real-time feedback monitors
and sent out a request for proposals. The PowerCost Monitor was still in the
research and development stage but the company sent in a proposal, completed
the product, and ended up taking on a 1-1/2-year trial project with Hydro
One, in which 500 homes received the monitor. Private consultants later found
that homeowners using the PowerCost Monitor saved, on average, 6.5 per cent
on their electricity bills. Pleased with the results, Hydro One decided to
implement the product in 30,000 Ontario homes last summer.
Last November, BC Hydro and Blue Line Innovations launched a pilot project
with 325 participants to determine how the Power Cost Monitor can educate
residential customers on BC Hydro's three-tiered rate structure, and to provide
homeowners with a tool that helps them conserve energy.
On May 16, NSTAR Electric of Massachusetts became the first U.S. company to
offer the PowerCost Monitor to its customers. The next day, Blue Line Innovations
signed an agreement with Newmarket Hydro. The utility company will provide
Power Cost Monitors to its residential customers at cost. Blue Line Innovations
is also working in conjunction with CEA Technologies Inc., Natural Resources
Canada, Newfoundland Power, and BC Hydro on a major energy management demonstration
project. Why are so many utilities helping customers cut back on energy use?
"You can't open a newspaper these days without an article about conservation
or climate change appearing somewhere on the first three pages," says JAY
MCMILLIAN, VP of Sales and Marketing at Blue Line Innovations. He explains
that Canadians recognize the need to become more aware of how we use consumables
and governments are legislating requirements for companies and utilities to
take conservation efforts. "Utilities are also trying to be better corporate
citizens," McMillan adds. "They need to manage the power grids better because
we can't just keep adding onto infrastructure. We need to better manage our
resources." He uses an analogy the Tuff family would relate to: "If you have
six kids, you need a vehicle that can carry six kids and two adults. The majority
of time, you would probably travel with only a few people, but you still need
the capability to carry eight." He explains that it's the same with a utility.
It has to be able to manage the peak demand, even if it's not used 365 days
a year. It's less expensive for utilities to lower the peak usage than to
keep building to meet the demand, so they actually profit when they help customers
lower their energy use. McMillan refers to it as "avoided cost of generation."
A recent press release from Blue Line Innovations states: "If every home in
Canada had a PowerCost Monitor for one year, the savings in green house gas
emissions would equal the shutting down of one coal-fired plant or removing
the emissions of almost 1.2 million vehicles." For home builders trying to
build Energy Star certified homes, installing a PowerCost Monitor instantly
qualifies them for 800 kWh worth of credit toward an Energy Star rating...
for only $150. "There's a cost benefit for builder," McMillan points out.
Earlier this year, the PowerCost Monitor was awarded "Outstanding Energy Efficient
Technology Deployment of the Year" by the U.S.-based Association for Energy
Service Professionals (AESP). It can be purchased on-line at