BC Home Builders Elect Chairman, Board of Directors
VANCOUVER, BC — Members of the Greater Vancouver Home Builders’ Association (GVHBA) elected Todd Senft as their 2010/2011 Chairman at the association’s Annual Election Meeting in Coquitlam. Senft is president of Vancouver-based reVISION Custom Home Renovations Inc., a prominent award-winning Lower Mainland RenoMark renovation professional.
Elected to the 2010/2011 GVHBA Executive Committee were First Vice-Chairman Ben Taddei, ParkLane Homes Ltd., Vancouver; Second Vice-Chairman Blake Hudema, Genstar Development Company, Burnaby; and Secretary/Treasurer Avtar Johl, Platinum Group of Companies, Surrey. Immediate Past Chairman is Peter Roskell, Polygon Homes Ltd., Vancouver.
Elected to the 2010/2011 GVHBA Board of Directors were Rob Currie, Basement Systems Vancouver Inc., Delta; Michelle Essery, Walker Door & Window (International) Inc., Vancouver; David Fisher, Mitsui Homes Canada Inc., Langley; John Friswell, CCI Renovations, North Vancouver; Rob Grimm, Portrait Homes, Richmond; Ross Gurney, TD Financial Group, Vancouver; Lynn Harrison, Advanced Energy Group, Port Moody; Richard Kaufmann, Pacific Rim Cabinets Ltd., Delta; Don Stratford, Mosaic Avenue Construction Ltd., Vancouver; and David Worthington, McQuarrie Hunter LLP, Surrey.